It’s been a little more than 5 weeks since my vision in my right eye went blurry.
In this post, beyond telling the story, I want to document what’s happening for future reference. So bare with me if I get a bit too detailed.
The blurriness on my right eye, as I recall, became apparent in a matter of days. Since starting working at Snaptech Marketing I’ve been staring at a screen more than usual so I thought I was just straining my eyes.
The First Optometrist: Dr. Gandham (Feb 16th, 2010)
On February 16th, a couple of days after first noticing the blurriness and it was obvious this was not normal, I went to the optometrist. I told Dr. Gandham the reason for coming in was my blurry right eye. He did the routine check, dilated my pupils and used the stereotypical equipment to look inside my eye.
“Your eyes are totally healthy”, he said. He then tested my vision and, indeed; I needed glasses. So I left the doctor’s office with my new prescription. I didn’t buy the glasses because I wanted to shop around. It was my chance to look intellectual and I wasn’t going to blow it with the first pair that crossed me.
So I took my time.
The Second Optometrist: Dr. Danielson (Feb 18th, 2010)
Two days later after Dr. Gandham I was definitely sure this was not an regular “you need glasses” case. My vision was blurry right in the middle of my sight. If I looked a few inches to the right of the screen I could see things clearly. But once I looked back, the blurriness followed.
My peripherals were working fine, it was the centre, middle, bulls-eye vision that was blurry.
At this point I decided to go back to the doctor and op-in for that retinal colour picture. It was an extra $45 so I told Dr. Ghandam to take it if necessary.
Dr. Denielson, a older and more boring looking guy, took me in and took the pictures. “Your eyes look healthy…” But when he tested my vision he said that I couldn’t see 20/40 and agreed that it wasn’t normal. So eye send me to the “eye-surgeon”.
I don’t know about you, but if an optometrist tells me I need to go to the “eye-surgeon”, my first thought is “surgery”. That’s what “surgeon” means, right?!
So I got an appointment to what I thought was take my eye out.
The Third Optometrist: Me
After that prognosis I did what most people, smart and stupid, would do: research the Internet… After reading a few posts talking about similar symptoms, I was worried I had ocular herpes.
…I’ll stop right there.
The Eye Surgeon: Dr. Boyd (Feb 22nd, 2010)
Dr. Danielson referred me to Dr. Boyd, whom he labeled as, “The Eye Surgeon”…
In preparation for what I thought was going to be eye surgery, I researched Dr. Boyd on RateMds.com. Most people had bad things to say, he was rude, impatient, impolite… To which I thought, “Great! This guy is the Dr. House of eyes!” After all, no one had complained about anything but personality. (…and I wanted to convince myself that this guy was good).
So I got to Dr. Boyd’s, he dilates pupils, looks into my eye “hmmmm… I think you have a little bit of swelling there…”.
Okay, first of all, this was a blow to my respect for the first two doctors. How can Dr. Boyd see the swelling in the first 5 seconds looking into my eye, using the same instruments as the first two?! (Perhaps he really is the Dr. House of eyes).
Dr. Boyd explains that I have “Choroidopathy”, also known as “Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR)” or just “Retinopathy”.
This condition’s causes are unknown but there’s a connection between CSR and stress or Type A personalities. I’m not Type A, that’s for sure. But maybe I was stressed.
(All this happened amidst the end of my probation period at work, a breakup, and refinancing my apartment. But I didn’t feel stressed. Perhaps I wasn’t listening to my body. Perhaps I’m not listening now, because it’s not going away yet. )
Treatment? Walk it off! Chances of recovery are excellent, according to the doctors and everyone I ask, but it can up to 2 months. I’ve already passed the one month mark, so I hope this goes away in the following days.
I just came back from another optometrist who fitted me with contact lenses, Dr. Ho (Metrotown). I’ve been reluctant to buy lenses because the prescription on my right eye is uncertain. But I’ll buy a cheap pair from clearlycontacts.ca and go from there.
…a few months later, in June.
All is back to normal. They were a scary few weeks, but all is good now.
I kept the lenses thought, it turns out that my left eye is the bad one. Not a huge difference, but I do see more comfortably with glasses especially when reading or looking at the computer.
The End…
…so I thought.
Update: April 6th, 2011 (One Year Later)
Mother%@#&$!… it’s coming back – same eye. The blurriness is not as defined as last year, but is not as strong either.
I’m not sure why. They say CSR is related to stress, and I am under relatively high stress, but not nearly as most people around me.
A year ago, when it first came about, I also thought to myself, “man, I know I’m a bit stressed… ending a relationship and work pressure, but if this is stressful enough to get an eye blister, all non-millionaire parents would be blind…”
There is one suspect, though. Both times I was from being with someone to being alone, which made me crank my work out routine. Every time I do that, I start drinking protein shakes almost daily.
My suspect, the protein supplement. I’ll give you of the supplement, which hasn’t changed in the the last two years since I don’t drink it regularly.
It might be a bit far fetched, but it’s all I have now.
Second Visit: Dr. Boyd (May 31st, 2011)
I managed to go to my local walk-in clinic and get a referral for Dr. Boyd as I knew what was wrong. After a few questions, the family doctor referred me. Though I think just wanted to get rid of me.
Once in Dr. Boyd’s office he was a bit puzzled about (a) why a family doctor referred me so easily and (b) why was I there.
I’ve been using this post as a diary and I forgot an key entry, “Dr. Chui”. Boyd referred me to Chui, she was the specialist for “the back” of the eye.
So after a couple of minutes, I was making another appointment with Dr. Chui.
Dr. Lica Chui (July 13th)
I actually saw Dr. Lica Chui last week, but let’s consolidate entries here. She remembered me. But just because I didn’t cancel my appointment after getting better last year 🙁
Today I had an appointment with the UBC VGH Eye Care Center in Vancouver. They did a fluorescein angiogram. The nurse recognized me from last year. He said, “I remember you from last year. You passed out, right?” I guess it’s good to be memorable like that.
Anywho, after the angiogram I went straight to Dr. Chui’s. She loads the pictures on her computer and explains what’s happening and that we could laser the area since is far away from the optic nerve.
I thought she was just being hypothetical. No, she meant right now.
Laser Time
I had to decide right there if I wanted the laser. At first I said no because of the risk. But then Lica told me that the other risk is that I’ve had the CSR for 4 months now and that having water there for so long might affect my vision permanently. (And now I’m closing my eye as I type, self-conscious).
Then I said yes.
We went to a different room and she took what it looked like a contact lens attached to a small magnifying glass, put some gel on the contact lens-looking part and stuck it on my eye. She then said the good ol’ “look straight”. As I obliged I saw green flashes. like 1 every 3-5 seconds. After 10 flashes or so, it was done.
My vision is still the same. But theoretically it will go back to normal in a few weeks as the leak is sealed. Let’s see.
…this post just got super long, eh?
Dr. Lica Chui (November 10th, 2011)
The laser worked!
I went to my follow up appointment and to make sure everything was good and, well, everything was good! I was also able to get my eye images, photos, pictures (I’m not sure what would be the technical name for it). So I’ll be posting them here in the next few weeks.
Dr. Lica Chui (June 6th, 2012)
Just a follow up…
My vision has been good since the last year. The laser seemed to work as expected, and we all live happily ever after… that was “ending A’.
What actually happened? Dr. Chui looked at my eyes and there’s some fluid in there… Well, F%$#!
The “spill” it’s not near the area that affects my vision, that’s why my vision is not affected. But has to be dealt with nonetheless. I can only assume it would be a matter of time before it get to my affected area.
Now I have to go get another fluorescein angiogram – scheduled for next week – in preparation for more laser…
Dr. Lica Chui (June 27, 2012)
Today I got some cool images from Dr. Chui.
She reviewed the results from the fluorescein angiogram and pointed out where the likely source of fluid is this time. It’s really far from the nerve so the recommendation here was to use the laser and control this episode before it affects my vision.
So laser once again, I did…
Bonus, today I remembered to bring my sun glasses 🙂
This eye thing is getting on my nerves… but I least I can make a pun out of it 🙂
I’ll be heading back to Dr. Chui’s in a couple of days to see the results. Hopefully everything will be find and dandy.
NOTE: Lately, every now and then I feel unusual about my eye. It’s not pain or blurry vision, it feels 1% odd, not sure how to describe it…. maybe “tender” would be a good word? I’m not sure if it’s because of I’m self-conscious about it or what. But I’ll bring this up to Dr. Chui.
It’s been great hearing from people in the comments. Thanks for posting.
Coffee Observation (July 30th)
Today I stumbled against a blog post relating a CSR story similar to mine. In the comments section there are some folks referencing the use of caffeine with CSR.
I drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, sometimes more. Could it be?
Then I came across this other article recommending the same thing. Give up coffee? Damn, in Vancouver coffee is great. And it’s part of social life.
…thinking about quitting coffee. I don’t think I could give up dark chocolate.
Agghh!! CSR Is Frustrating!
Flight or Flight = Stress = No Good (Sep 5th, 2012)
Last month I put myself in a ‘fight or flight’ situation. I won’t go into too much detail but to make a long story short, I almost got into a fight. This is the first time I’m aware of my stress symptoms – trembling hands, dry mouth, fast heart beat. As the situation developed, I was very conscious about the CSR thinking “this can’t be good for the eye.” Well, surprise, surprise, it wasn’t.
Today Dr. Chui told me the situation has changed to the worse.
No Stress = Better (October 3rd, 2012)
Just a follow up, things are better. Still kicking myself for putting myself into a rough situation a while back.
Women… surely they cause 80% or all CSR out there.
Keep getting better (November 7th, 2012)
Things are getting better. Yay!
…and better! (November 28, 2012)
During the last three months I hvae been drinking carrot and beet juice once a week or so. Trying to elevate the amount of carrots I consume, etc. Nothing to the extreme though. Everything seems to be working now. I moved down town so I’m sleeping a bit more. I’m also walking to work.
All of these things seem to have translated into less stress and better situation for the eye.
Right Eye Much Better, Left Eye Now Affected (December 27th, 2012)
My left eye, really?! F#@*K!
I just came from the doctor and she spotted a leak in the left eye. My left eye has been without any problems until today. What the heck?!
I’m trying to think what have I done differently.
The one thing I can think right now is my squash playing intensity. Since everything has been going well, I have resumed my squash playing intensity. There’s one particular exercise called “court sprints”, which could be considered somewhat stressful. It’s basically running up and down the court as fast as you can.
A couple of weeks ago I was running against a player in better condition and I pushed myself for 3 mintues or so… I even got a bit dizzy. But could that be it?
Update (December 21, 2013)
This year my condition went back and forth. I got laser a couple of times in the beginning and middle of the year and now is barely noticeable. It’s still there, but barely noticeable.
My CSR is not near central vision, so my blind spot is not as bothersome. I’ve accepted, however, that my blind spot will likely not go away.
I still try to eat carrots and goji berries when stressed, but my life has been pretty normal. I’ve returned to playing squash, drinking coffee (though in less amounts), and just trying to avoid stress if at all possible – though sometimes is just unavoidable.
*Sigh* …Now On the Left Eye, Japan (November 2014)
Yep. Seems my left eye felt a bit lonely from all the attention the right eye has gotten throughout the last few years. And so I now have the strongest CSR episode on my left eye.
What a contrast of feelings. Whereas when I first got it on my right eye I was in relative panic, thinking I would lose my eyesight or suffered from ocular gonorrhoea (no joke, read the beginning of this post), this time I feel frustrated and a bit angry. I mean, COMMON! …but, it is not the time to get angry.
Factors that happened this year that could have affected my cortisol levels / induced this Central pain in the serous retinopathy’s arse.
- Moving to a new country / city
- Changing jobs
- Getting engaged and civil marriage
- Becoming a citizen of a new country
So, big changes. But things have gone relatively smooth. So I’m unsure why my eye is freaking out.
I went to a regular eye doctor, explained what I had in broken Japanese (my wife helped) and I was referred to 昭和大学病院附属東病院 (Showa University Hospital Fuzokuhigashi) a university hospital.
The doctor did the typical tests of looking a the blurry thing, burst of air… and when it came to the OCT, there was a monitor right in front of me showing the live feed from the machine! It was cool to see my eye real time but distracting as hell because I had to look forward and not to the screen where the results where being showed.

As for the prescription, beyond the “relax” part which was expected the doctor recommended alternative medicine kanpo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kampo).
Hoping for this to go away quickly now 🙂

Left Eye, Top Right Field of Vision, Japan (June 2016)
Last month I noticed a clear blur on my left eye, top right part field of vision. I usually check by staring into a fixed spot and wiggling my fingers around my field of vision. They typically disappear on the trouble spot – all of this while I look like a crazy person.
Thought this still comes and goes about once a year, I think it’s good to say I have a new suspect: beer.
I don’t drink much but every now and then I go out with friends or coworkers for a few beers – something I assume everyone does 🙂 My eye acting up and the last beer outing were relatively close to each other. Could this be a trigger? I really hope not, because I do like going out for a beer every now and then.
One thing is for sure, every time I notice a spot I stop coffee, beer, check the hours I’m putting at work, make sure I’m eating relatively healthy, and also check if I’m actually doing exercise so that I can relax. These seem to be the variables that put things back into shape for my eye.
It’s July now, and things on my left eye have calmed down, I’m having a latte.
I’ll keep an eye on… my eye… next time I go for beers. But if you have had this as a trigger, please let me know.
Vision is Good, Japan (June 2017)
It’s been a year since my last post and thought it would be good to make an update.
The last year has been without incident, for the most part. At night, when I’m feeding a bottle to my daughter in the dark I can clearly notice a blurry spot that doesn’t allow me to see well in the dark. During the day, if it’s bright, I don’t notice it. When indoors and dim lighting I can find my blind spot if I look for it by fixing my sight and wiggling my finger across my field of vision until it disappears of blurs – but it’s not an issue.
So far my case is completely under control. Interestingly, I just went through the first year of my first born. That means high stress and little sleep, yet my eyes are as a good as they can be…
Hi There, CSR – Japan (April 2018)
A few weeks ago I had my annual checkout, which included a retinal image. This is the first time I am able to see the CSR at a glance on the retinal image. My vision is not bad though.
This week (4/4) I went back to Showa University Hospital Fuzokuhigashi. I got to check my eyesight, retinal exam and OCT (side note, the bill for the visit and exams was JPY 1,917 or about USD $15. This is covered under my issuance, but also under national insurance). I have another appointment for next Wednesday.
Meh, It’s back. Japan (March 2020)
I’ve been having a mild case since November last year. I went for my yearly checkup and the doctor, probably unfamiliar with my situation, saw a bunch scars and who knows what from previous laser treatments and gave me a look saying, “I believe your eye will self destroy in 10 seconds.” Of course he sent me to a specialist. I still need to go.
I sometimes feel I’m being too complacent.
Ten years sound like a long time until I read some of the comments here. There is one person in their 60s that has had CSR since their 20s. No time for complacency.
Stressful factors in my life now include family, work and completing Masters graduate program. This last one is eating my sleeping time, and I think that might be a contributing factor.
Let’s hope people with CSR are immune to the Coronavirus COVID-19.
Showa University Hospital (昭和大学病院東), Tokyo (March 2021)
Today I am writing this as a wait for the regular battery of eye-related test – blast of air, focus on the blurry the balloon, “tell me, where is this shaping facing, up? down? left? right?, this kind of thing.
I am here not because I feel any worse, but because when I went to my annual checkup, the took a picture of the back of the eye and, without knowing my history, I assume the doctor freaked out at the image (looks like the moon considering the laser scars) and asked me to urgently go to a specialist. So here I am.
I went back a few days later, they wanted to do another fluorescein angiogram just to make sure. So I did.
Reality Check 2021, The Future – Dr. Toujou (Need to find the Kanji for the name).
Later I went back for the consultations on the results. I have leak – cue me rolling my eyes and having my internal voice say “again…”. Let’s review some of the images:

The doctor must have felt my indifference. After all, it’s not affecting my vision…. so big woop.
She then continued to explain that even though my vision is relatively fine, I should pay attention to the conditions of the leaks. This is because the retina getting detached (by fluid) over and over will eventually increase the risk of more serious issues when older. That was a bit scary to hear.
The recommendation is to cauterize the source of the leak with lasers – maybe? She feels it is a close call and, even if the decision is to do this, I would need to go to a different hospital with a more specialized machine. The machine they have there is for when the area to be lasered is away from the optical nerve.
I decide to proceed with the laser. She writes an introduction letter for the other, bigger hospital – St. Luke’s International Hospital – 聖路加国際病院.
St. Luke’s International Hospital – 聖路加国際病院 (2021, May)
By now I’ve been two times to this hospital. The first one (April), was an initial consultation. The doctor, the youngest looking doctor I’ve had in my life (early 30’s tops), mentions I need to have….. a fluorescein angiography – tada!
I said I just had one last month but he mentioned I needed a new one. Not only the hospitals cannot share this information (what?!) but the procedure at their hospital includes something they didn’t include at the Showa University hospital.
Most of the times I go for something related to my eye I mention that I am keeping a blog and ask if I can take a picture. This time two unprecedented things happened. First, when I got hooked up I asked the nurse if it was OK to take a picture of my arm. She said yes (no one ever has said no to that), but for the first time she offered to take a picture.
Then they hook up the dye, and this time it is two dyes, I ask if I can take a picture of my arm. The other unprecedented thing happened, this nurse told me no. “Sorry, no photos a the hospital”. When I clarified that I’m just pointing at my arm, she insisted, no.
I was not going to throw the previous nurse under the bus, but I was bummed out that she didn’t let me take any more picture because the dye was red and it looked cool. It is typically clear, if I remember correctly.
So in a few weeks I will go back to hear my results and see if I need the laser. The young doctor did mention that, from consulting with other doctors, it seemed like I will likely not need laser…. let’s see.
Dr. Vanessa Wong – Ottawa – Kanata Optometry Centre (Jan 2024)
Well, it was a nice run, but it’s back. I noticed the original blurry spot a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure if it is the original, but it did remind me of the first time I had it.
I went to Kanata Optometry Centre here in Ottawa. Considering it was an “Optometry Centre” I was expecting to have a brief consultation and a referral to an “Ophthalmology Centre”. To my surprise, they were able to do the OCT (which by the way, stands for Optical Coherence Tomography – I just found that out) and… well, I guess there is not much they can say that I don’t expect.
I liked Dr. Wong. She came across as knowledgeable and approachable. Thankfully, it was the same story. I have it, a bit near the macula but not too critical. (I’ve read some comments here…).
It does look more dramatic than previous

Here’s another view showing the double whammy

Seems the left eye also wants to join the party. Let’s meditate so that doesn’t happen.

Dr. Wong said they will send the images to a specialist and they would follow up. I am looking forward to their call because there is one more image I forgot to take a photo of.
So, what the fk happened?!
Guesses, I suppose. They say there is no clear-cut reason for CSR, but stress is a factor. If I’m forced to come up with a reason, I have real strong candidate.
For the most part, 2023 was one of a hell of a stressful year – from all sides. My manager changed, my primary job role changed, family dynamics were challenging… It was tough, relatively speaking. The thing is, things got better in Q4, and this comes up now. Maybe there is a delayed reaction to the stressful action?
I’ve always been weary of stressful events, like almost getting into a fight at the start of this blog post (picture me rolling my eyes at the stupidity of it all)… but maybe it is not one stressful event but a prolonged stressful environment?
Not sure.
What now?
I take these episodes as a reminder to fine tune balance in my life. Am I not exercising? Eating properly? Sleeping enough? All of these things I’d give a low marks to my current lifestyle. So I’ll aim to improve.
Also, I take a break from coffee. I’m not sure that has any effect, but I welcome the challenge. I really like coffee.
Dr Thomas Lee – Ottawa – The Retina Center (Feb 2, 2024)
I got referred by Dr. Lee by Dr. Wong. This was the shortest interaction I’ve had with a doctor.
I came in. After a few minutes nurse dilated pupils, *snap* *snap* photos, etc. I waited, then called in to see the doctor.
Dr. Lee was in the room about 5 minutes. It was an efficient 5 minutes, but still… He reinforced the warning I had heard in Japan. Just because I can go about with my life with a little CSR it doesn’t mean it’s OK. “It’s like having a flooded basement. You have to deal with it or have consequences later.” He also gave me a new piece of information. “There has been new research in this subject and you probably have Pachychoroid “. Ahem. Say what?
Here is an article with more medical lingo, but in short pachy means “thick” and choroid means choroid.

There is new research that suggests most cases of CSR are because of Pachychoroid (having a thick choroid)”
Dr. Thomas Lee from Ottawa Retina Centre
The comment checks out. I’ve been researching the term and seems there are talks suggesting that CRS is linked to an anatomical anomaly, not stress, coffee, exercise, work, cleanliness, or the other list of reasons we have to theorize is causing this. it’s not definitive, but I hope they find clarity in what causes it and, in turn, how to fix it.
Fluoresceine Angiogram @ Ottawa Riverside Medical – March 7, 2024
When to Ottawa Riverside Hospital (or campus) for the test. Nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone in the hospital was nice. I got there early, at around 8:50am, I was out before 11:00am. It was good.

They called me saying the doctor had received the results and said I could come see him… in June! The hospital person who was calling treated it as “good news, it means nothing critical is happening”. Still, why wait more than 2 months to review the results? Even if it is nothing, you’d figure it would be better to review tests results soon after their results… I feel like these results would expire in two months.
That said, what do I know… let’s see what Dr. Lee says.
Follow up – Dr. Lee – (June 2024)
As suspected, there are leaks. Dr. Lee recommended laser – the less invasive laser that cauterizes the source of leaks – and so he did it. Not much to say here. but let me share a couple of images.

A side, note, Dr. Lee is not the talkative type. He’s professional and responds with nice tone, but no warm-up chit-chat, weather talk, or sharing about your pet – lucky if you get a “how are you?” at first or “take care” at the end.
“Schedule a follow up in 2 to 3 months” and he was gone.
Follow up – Dr. Lee – (September 2024)
It’s been three months since the laser was done. I’m sitting at the doctor updating this, about to understand the follow up. Yet, before I could write much, I was called and my pupils dilated.
And more LASER. My left eye is looking good but the right eye, apparently, needs a little bit more pew pew. And so it was done.
And just like last time, “schedule a follow up in 2 to 3 months,” and he was gone.
Clarification: this is a blog post on my particular case. I’m happy to hear many of you are finding a sense of empathy, validation, relief or frustration by having similar accounts, but please don’t have in mind that this is not a forum. A few people have mentioned a few forums you should check out for ongoing conversations.
In my case, I few years back I interacted with this CSR Yahoo Group – some of the folks here are battling worse CSR and for longer than I have – you might want to check them out.
Sorry for my English, I live in Greece in a country full of stress and daily pressure, I suffered central serous in 2016 and left after 3 months with my vision being perfect, came again in 2018 and lasted 6 months, left me on the right eye a little micropsia and I see a little darker, I came again a few days ago and I am very disappointed, I have no appetite to talk to my wife or play with my little daughter as I always did, the doctor told me to give acetazolamide and nepafenaki but they would not do such a good job he told me, I am thinking of doing pdt but the cost is 1000 € but I have no other solution, I am afraid that if I leave it will leave me with a problem like in 2018. I read a lot about ibrufen, aspirin , I will make my stomach soup.
Thank you for all this! I’ve had CSR diagnosed for almost a year now and have laser planned in about 3 weeks. It’s exhausting to read books so hoping this helps, though its been so long (thanks Covid) that I’m worried about permanent damage.
I’m a 68 year old grandma, retired, not a ton of stress, not type A …but do love my coffee.
Has anybody had achiness in their affected eye? This is the eye I get migraine pain with so it’s hard to know what’s going on..
Anyway..thanks again for all the info.
good evening, I have csr, I know that there is blurred vision but I also have something strange, when I am under daylight when I look at alternating images on my PC or mobile or even and I come close with a light bulb in the house then the evil eye begins sees strobe light either with closed or with open eyes, this does not happen in a dark room or in low light, what can happen? I experience it from the moment I wake up until it is night,I would sometimes describe it as a bright popcorn, maybe even as a bright windmill.
Hello All,
i was struggling with my first CSR three months ago, it was quite big and it affected maccula. On last OCT from one month ago there was no fluid at all, however my vision is still far away from what it was before CSR episode. Vision is distorted (straight lines appear like bended) and objects seen with the “sick” eye are about 20% smaller. Can You tell me if it will be any better?
Thanks in advance for all information.
Best Regards,
I’m not alone in this struggle, which makes me feel alright.
I’m not to sure when I received my first encounter with csr, as I was a symptomatic. I found out after I had an eye exam. The opthamologist had told me that the scar may have been there for years but here is an amsler graph and check your eyes weekly, three days later….. my ancient scar opened up!
I was very stressed at the time, I fear health issues and my wife had abandoned the marriage so… I’m thinking that could of done it! I did notice that every time I had an episode there was an instance where I had a bright light in my eye, when your opth checks for liquid in your eye it’s very bright, also using your phone at night, alcohol is also a no no, I’ve had reoccurrences the day after drinking twice.
I was a bodybuilder for five years and was lifting heavy weight, never once did anything happen. I believe that this disease starts off with stress, and then takes a hold, I got my first episode in June and have had 3 since.
Jose I read this every time I get a new episode. Usually I heal within 2-3weeks. I woke up yesterday dec 13 2020, and my old bloody friend was starring me right in the face again! Prior to this I stopped drinking alcohol, caffeine, even stopped dating for a bit, started meditation, I was diagnosed with h pylori and took the meds to get rid of it about two and a half weeks ago, apparently h pylori can stay in your blood for a year… I’d suggest everyone get tested if you have csr.
This disease really messes with your head, when you are seeing through the eyes of Mickey Mouse and his dream land it’s rough! When the liquid subsides and things return to normal you ask yourself… when will this shit return!!?
No one in my family has issues like this, I’m the lucky one, I found it reassuring when I stumbled upon this blog, it ain’t easy having this disease with no one to understand what your world now looks like. It is sometimes rough to get through this crap, but one day at time I guess.
I think the ophthalmologists will tell you anything to get you out of the office as soon as they can, although this disease is irritating and can do damage, it’s by far not the worst retinal disease. There is a bionic eye that is being developed that looks promising, also retinal patches, and other technologies that are on the horizon. We have got thousands of scientists trying to engineer a replacement retina, in fact there are scientists out there that are by passing the eye entirely and using tech from glasses straight to the visual cortex. My point is help is on the way, and we are not in the dark, it’s the 4th most common retinal disease and affects 1 in 10 000, we won the fkn! Lottery boys!
Thanks for the post and thanks for the comments, it’s a bit better knowing that it’s not just me with this; I was diagnosed with it 3 months ago (during the UK summer Covid lockdown) after I noticed distortion on my computer screen and people’s faces on TV, I was given the Amsler chart which shows the curved lines in my centre of vision. It’s coming up to 6 months and I still have it. Some days it seems worse, some days not so much. But it’s worrying at times.
It’s mainly in my right eye, but in my left a bit too the opposite way (although I’m wondering if that’s my brain compensating.) I had to get in touch with my doctor about it as I was worried about it all and was referred by my doctor to see an Ophthalmologist – but I think I’m on a waiting list, I had a letter a month ago and nothing back since.
I also work in IT, and I also eat a fair bit of chocolate and have a coffee every morning (just the instant stuff), so I’m going to stop both of those and go back to carrots and vegetables again as I’ve heard bright coloured foods may help with the eye (I’ve no idea really, just trying anything.) My sleeping’s not been great and I stay up way too late into the early hours.
My eyes generally feel like they’re straining, I wear glasses too and I think it’s affected my prescription which makes me strain even more. Night time and bright lights affect me the most; I have trouble making out words on TV with bright coloured graphics.
I do wonder if it’s related to hypertension, lack of sleep, poor diet and straining my eyes at computer screens. I did wonder whether my sleeping position may have caused it and if I’m putting strain on my head or something.
I’ve had alopecia areata on and off for the past 5 or 6 years, occasional bald patches, which makes me wonder if it’s related – constant low level stress of the job I work in or maybe an auto immune response. I’ve also been on a gout medicine allopurinol for the past year as I had a few gout flare ups over a year ago in my right achilles and I have a bony bit sticking out, I don’t know if any of that is related or it’s just something else going wrong with me, I’m in my early 40’s.
Thanks again for making this page and thank you for the comments which I’ve read through and has helped me a bit.
Just found this article..
I’m 55..12 years ago, 2009..blurry right eye..eye doc confirmed fluid under macula. He offered injection but I waited and it went away after a while but vision issue was still there.
Fast forward to 2015, vision had been slowly improving all the years.. bang..worse than ever. Back to doc who informs I have secondary neovasculation (bleeding) in eye.and informs I need injections of lucentis. So I start eye injections.. initially successful.but then no so..doc tries steroid injection with no success. U continue with I jrctiond every 7 weeks.
2017 diagnosed with Conns syndrome..condition of Adrenal glands releasing too much aldosterone hormone. Removed adrenal gland.. eye condition stabilises but still need injections..
Carry on injection every 7 weeks..just get used to it.
5 weeks ago..bang.. left eye (my good eye) reading is difficult.. get glasses which are a life saver.
Back to doc, fluid under left macula..dead centre.
currently seeing do drops work or ill be getting regular injections in both eyes… 🙁
Adrenal issues are very much linked to cscr and if any of you have high blood pressure and cscr this should be checked out as may cure you..
I’ve 3 weeks to sort this or get double jabs…
Hi All,
I’m glad I found this site so I can learn about what other people have experienced from being diagnosed with CSR. I was diagnosed on the 15th March 2021 and have been off work since 22nd March. Working in IT, means that I have been spending a lot of time in front of a screen and lockdown has meant I do more the usual 9-5.
When I first noticed something strange about my vision, I meediately called the optician to get an emergency OCT appointment. They could not confirm what condition I had, and referred me to a specialist and suspected it was CSR. I had an angiogram in the same week, and the following week w/c 22nd, it was CSR.
I have been under immense stress at work, and this has been noted in the consultant’s letter to my employers. Of course, now my employers are being extra nice to me and making sure that I am recovering.
I have been taking strong caffeine weight-loss supplements since November 2020 and this may have contributed together with the stress to CSR in my left eye.
I have my days when I think I am getting better, and I use the Amsler chart provided by the opticians to gauge if it is getting better. I have another scan in a week’s time to check if any of the fluid has dissipated.
I will keep you all posted on my progress.
Hi everybody,
I come from France, I have CSR since I am 24 years old, I’m now 35.
Effectively after a high period of stress in my life, I triggered the dissease.
I dont know after many episods where the problem come from…. But I have maybe find a solution to solve the problem when it happen. It works on me.
During the first quarantine, I had a CSR on my eyes, normally the leak stayed between 2-3 month before it disappear spontaneously, but during the quarantine, I did not have to go to work earlier and come back late, I did sleep 3 days more than 10 hours. After that 1 week late my leak was totally gone.
Each episode affect your eyes of course, but it can help to solve the problem faster and to help to see better.
So my conclusion is : I dont know how it happen but I know how maybe to solve it : SLEEPING ! it can be a track….
Hey Jose.
I’m a 35 year old male living in South Korea.
Been following your blog ever since I was diagnosed with CSR last spring.
Woke up one morning and the vision in my left eye was distorted and blurry.
Thought that it would go away after a shower but it didn’t.
Visited a local clinic and they said that I needed to go to a bigger specialized hospital.
Went to St. Mary’s Hospital and was diagnosed with CSR, had similar fluid build up in the retina like the pictures you’ve posted in the past.
Was prescribed Vessel Due F? And my vision got better after a couple of weeks.
I work in music production and we have some crazy deadlines. Lot of stress. The distortion came back and did the fluorescein angiogram to take a closer look at the eye.
Doctor recommended a shot of Avastin. Was super scared to get a shot in the eye ball. But it was very quick and not that painful. Vision improved and after a few weeks, noticed a lot of the fluid buildup was gone.
After a few months, the distortion came back and I got another shot of Avastin. Vision improved but not back to 100%.
During my last check up, there was no fluid build up but my vision is still not 100%. I guess it’s something I have to live with. The doctor said that I should come back if my vision worsens.
I’m glad that the fluid has drained but bummed out at the same time that my vision is still not 100%. I would say it’s about 80-85%.
I’ve been reading your blogs and the updates and the other comments as well. Just wanted to share my experience!
Thank you for sharing your story. I’m 27 and had CSR first appear earlier this year. It went away nearly as quickly as it came with no obvious cause. Perhaps an intense workout triggered it. I hope you have luck with controlling it.
A very interesting article you have written, I have CSR in my left eye and may lose my job over it. ( train driver)
Was picked up at a periodical medical then found by a scan at the opticians. Luckily I have a mate who works in a hospital so got seen to pretty quickly and had the laser treatment. Success as in the fluid has gone but vision is still not up to standard for my job. Been 3 months since the laser and have been told it can take 6 months to settle.
Agh… I feel for those who mention their jobs are at risk because of this. It may go away (mine has been at bay for years now). That said, it is something to keep monitoring for life, especially when we get older.
Good luck! The first time I got it was scary since it came quickly. I thought I was in need of glasses… I had contacts for a few months before being diagnosed.
Thanks for sharing. I’m not sure what Avastin is, but I haven’t gotten any needles on my eyes… thankfully. My vision is OK during the day, but I can still identify blind spots when it is dark.
This is something I protect every time I get an episode. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. No down-side to it. Also, you can use the “I have a medical condition” to sleep more in case of emergency. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. I’m 42 now and have been warned to monitor this when older. Good to have some perspective from someone a few years ahead 🙂
Found your blog researching CSR. I’m 44, type-A perfectionist, etc and got diagnosed with a mild case in one eye late Nov ’21. It came on with weird flashes and light sensitivity. Then I got a “bubble” in my vision with glare issues, and acuity degraded from 20/15 to 20/20. Went to my childhood ophthalmologist who prescribed one Prolensa drop every 12 hours, which helped immediately.
Now I’m 2 months in and about 90% better. It started as an ebb & flow journey, as I was getting 9-10 days of improvement then 1 day of degradation. The past 3 weeks have been all slow improvement with no steps backward, and 3 weeks ago happens to be when I started 3x/day of 3mg melatonin after doing some research. This helped on the first day. I have recently tapered the Prolensa off to one drop every 36 hours.
Since it is slowly improving I’m taking a “wait & see” approach. I haven’t read many promising things about lasers, and since this case is mild I’m just going to ride it out. When I feel this is 100% gone I’ll stop the Prolensa (I have plenty of refills left), taper off the melatonin and go in for a final follow-up. This weird disorder is scary at first but more annoying than anything.
Thanks for reading.
Hi, I am an iridologist in France, I am actually doing a study about CSR . If evryone wants to be part of this study to try to find out the link between health and CSR. This study is free, let you all have a chance to maybe find the reason of this illness.
Please contact me to : [email protected]
Hi I am a french pratician in France, I can study for free your case of CSR. I’m actually doing a research about this pathology and we can participate for free at this study.
do not hesitate to contact me
How has the csr been for you now?
Good timing. I just logged in to update it 🙂
Thank you for making this blog, it’ make me feel better to know I’m not suffering alone.
I’m 33 years old and have been suffering with CSR for 10 years now.
The damage to my right eye is so great I can know longer focus with this eye.
About 4 years ago I starting getting serious cases of CSR in my left eye (my good eye) teffiying!
My most recent episode has just made a 1 year anniversary, it has got better and worse and better and worse over the year.
I finally felt hopeful the episode was over then bammm on the date of the anniversary the blur came back.
I had a Laser treatment on my left eye 4 months ago in November and felt like this affect my long distance vision, Which is now making the blurred vision even more challenging for me.
Have you ever experienced this from your laser treatments? My consultant was adament that this was not the case but I’m in disbelief.
After all he doesn’t know what is like to the through the eye of a patient with CSR.
Any information would be greatly appreciate. Thank you
I think I’ve been lucky in that I haven’t had it affect my central vision that much… either that or I’ve gotten used to it. I haven’t had a problem in terms of long distance vision, and even thought I can’t think how it could happen, I’m not a doctor.
How about getting a second opinion?