This post I wrote two weeks ago while coming back from a family trip in Boston.
I’m sitting at a bar at Boston Logan airport waiting for my flight to Vancouver. My trip is over.
Ironically, now I feel safe sharing some thoughts about the trip that just happened. The first thought that comes to mind is how social media has made me share less about a trip this time – the irony.
Perhaps because I’m from Venezuela, but I’m more cautious than most people I know when it comes to sharing information and realizing the potential danger social media poses to personal security.
I know, and have heard about, people who get in all sorts of trouble from sharing personal information without knowing predators have access to it.
The more people anyone has in their social network, the more vulnerable they are.
For example, I don’t feel comfortable over-advertising the fact that I’m away from my home. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but to disclose it when asking for advise in Boston or checking in at different airports so I could get a Foursquare badge (which I still don’t have, by the way.)
I know of lots of people who seem to be very comfortable sharing information while abroad – @dariom, @chirsbreaks @ashdayo to name a few. But I still feel I’m putting myself at risk.
It’s so easy for a bad person to know your whereabouts, routines, likes and dislikes that, in some way I feel quite exposed even with the limited information I provide.
What are your thoughts on personal boundaries and social media?
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