This gentleman just followed me on Twitter. I must say, he has the most impressive Twitter profile I’ve seen. The only thing missing is “President” and “Medical Doctor”…
I’m not sure if Daniel is trying this for SEO, Internet marketing, or other optimization purposes. But I’m having a hard time pinpointing what exactly is his job, and I can’t help but to be skeptical of all he does.
I was surprised to see Daniel’s stats. He’s listed 340+ times as of today:
- 554 Tweets
- 35,404 Following
- 342 Listed
Typically you only get listed if you convince someone else you provide value of some kind. So I’ve got to hand it to Daniel’s Twitter following / optimization strategy. His profile might be somewhat sketchy, but he has been able to do quite a bit, regardless.
Daniel if you’re out there, feel free to comment on your strategy and results.
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