A few days ago an Brian LaFrance posted an awesome article about how Target.com ‘s new site is failing at SEO, usability and… well, he points out a lot of things gone wrong.
The article sparked a lot of interest and polemic conversation after a comment from a user who called himself MadDog. Who basically disregarded the article as a piece of naive thoughts from an inexperienced amateur.
MadDog September 2, 2011 at 9:07 am
Wow, how insightful you are Brian. You have obviously NEVER developed an eCommerce site, nor worked at a large company – as I’m assuming Target is. As I read through some of your other commentaries, I understand better your basic outlook on most things – you seem to be an expert on everything. I tend to stay away from those types of people; mainly because it’s only in thier minds.
…it turns out that MadDog was immediately identified by Brian as Michael Kelly, part of the Target.com team and presumably part of responsible of all these problems with the new site.
There has been a lot people defending the idea that, well, Target.com is a big site and it’s understandable they might have a few glitches after a new redesign. Plus, who knows, they might have a development cycle that might prevent them to launch until Christmas… the busiest season of the year.
But the other side, which is where most of the people I know would fall, argues that the level of these mistakes are too many, too basic for any kind of free-pass.
Even after all the things Brian pointed out, I took the challenge to find more things… It took my 5 seconds to notice they’re not tracking their error pages. I mean, really…
Take a read at the article, it’s good, and notice “OMG, not he didn’t” atmosphere after MadDog’s comments.
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